Learning Curves Montessori Lincoln
Learning Curves Montessori Lincoln is a family owned and operated Early Childhood centre, promising their commitment to you in providing a quality care learning environment for infants, toddlers and young children. We are a community of passionate lifelong learners where all children have the freedom to achieve in a Montessori and RIE (resources for infant educarers) inspired environment.

Our ongoing motivation is to evolve, strive for growth and to be passionate leaders in providing high quality preschool education for children.
The children’s environment will be well prepared, well resourced, and full of rich learning experiences all which encourage an intrinsic natural desire to learn at their own pace. This will allow and inspire children to become confident lifelong learners, emotionally resilient, have high self esteem, open-mindedness, curiosity, kindness, discipline and the freedom to achieve what they desire.
We believe in creating positive learning environments that will empower children to develop to their full potential. Each child and their holistic development will be at the heart of our programme which will be supported by strong reciprocal relationships and respect.
We believe in forming strong partnerships with whanau/families which will encourage open communication, collaboration and will foster a feeling of trust. This will enable ‘multiple voices’ to promote positive learning outcomes for children.
See what Learning Curves Montessori Lincoln looks like
Our story
Our story begun in 1999 when our first Learning Curves Montessori centre was purchased in Christchurch, and with the passion quickly ignited, a further three more centres were opened. As the love and commitment for providing quality early childhood centres was passed down from Robyn and Bruce to their daughter Emily, Emily pursued her Early Childhood diploma, and also did a lot of further study to enhance her understanding of infants, toddlers and young children. With Bruce now having the faith and trust in Emily to create a beautiful environment like her Mum has done, Bruce and Emily now embark on a new journey as they build Learning Curves Montessori Lincoln. Robyn continues to support and empower Emily through her everlasting learning journey.
Our commitment to you
• Our hearts and souls will go into creating an environment that meets your family’s needs, empowering your children to grow and learn as individuals through supporting their emotional and social competence as they embark on their learning journeys.
• We will provide a nurturing home-away-from-home environment, where we can make a difference in the lives of our children.
• Our Lincoln and surrounding communities will provide learning opportunities for our children, learning about our tangata whenua and where we come from.
• Our family owned centre will get to know each individual family, ensuring their mana and cultural/family values are upheld and acknowledged through their learning journeys.
• We will support families by making their transition to Learning Curves Lincoln positive and inclusive, inviting to always feel a part of our space and have an open-door policy at all times.
"Let the child be the scriptwriter, the director and the actor in his own play"
Magda Gerber
The learning and assessment of each child will celebrate individuals and their learning and will enable the child to lead their own learning path through their interests with strong support and identification of learning by a trained teaching team. Positive interactions, observation, role modelling and listening to children will ensure we hear the ‘child’s voice’ and in turn offer children the opportunity to contribute to their own ongoing learning journey.
We endeavour to empower children with skills and attitudes which will equip them for life. The Montessori philosophy promotes respect, independence, encourages problem solving and challenge, and develops social skills, confidence, and an internal self belief. Within the learning environment we will celebrate children’s learning by making learning visible’ thus promoting belonging and enabling children opportunities to revisit their own learning with a sense of pride and achievement.
Our Montessori programme honours and incorporates Te Whāriki to provide holistic learning opportunities for all children.
Learning Curves respects the unique position of Māori as Tangata Whenua in Aotearoa/New Zealand. We encourage an awareness and appreciation of the bi-cultural heritage of our country and honour the partnership with Te Tiriti O Waitangi. We will continue to offer exciting learning opportunities and possibilities for children where they can experience symbols of their own and other cultures and develop acceptance and understanding of differences.
At Learning Curves we support each child by supporting the child to develop their natural tools for learning. The RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers) philosophy is seen through our responsive and respectful approach to supporting children’s needs while giving them agency and responsibility for their learning and development. Children experience nurturing attachment relationships with primary caregivers through care moments and exploration. Our focus is on respectful practices that build trust and ensure time for quality care moments, uninterrupted play and freedom of movement.

Enrol your child now to Learning Curves Montessori Lincoln
Meet us

Owner & Manager
In 2014 Emily completed her Early Childhood Diploma, which was no surprise to anyone after being raised in a family who were passionate owners of four Learning Curves Montessori centres in Christchurch. With her Mum, Robyn, being her biggest inspiration and mentor, Emily’s studies didn’t stop there. Emily has also been awarded with her Montessori diploma, Infant and Toddler Mental Health & Wellbeing certificate and diploma, and she also became a Certified Sleep Consultant. Emily will be in the centre full time, to support the teachers and be involved with the daily curriculum as she gets to know the children and their families.
Bruce has been involved in early childhood centres since Emily first begun preschool at the age of two, and owned Learning Curves Abberley Park with Robyn from 1999. Bruce bought Learning Curves Nursery off Robyn in 2018, and has always very much been apart of all our family events, popping in to spend time with the teachers and children, and being involved in our Nursery community.